Services to suit your business needs

TARGET offers a whole host of services to help you reduce shrinkage and strengthen your loss prevention strategy.

Each service that we offer clearly shows the cost of the problem and the return on investment you can achieve. In addition to combating shrinkage, our services can help you monitor health and safety, manage your reputation and ensure legal compliance.

Download the latest TARGET brochure here

Three steps to success

We follow these three initial steps, which can be repeated as and when required. This ensures you get the best value for money from your existing resources/ assets and highlights any additional services required.

As part of the onboarding process we would begin by installing TARGET in up to 20 trial sites.
Using the TARGET data allows us to identify the risks and help choose the right services for your business.
At this stage we assess the equipment and services needed to further reduce risk and increase ROI.
Void item detection

Void item detection

RISK: Collusion.
PROBLEM: Too many void item triggers happen daily to investigate.
SOLUTION: Hub operator using TARGET software was able to group, filter and sort void item events flagging manageable number of events for further investigation.

Using TARGET, it was highlighted that multiple high-value food items were being voided by one particular till operator. Reviewing the event video showed the items were still passed to the customer. The customer also tended to go to that particular member of staff.

RESULT: The next occurrence was watched in real-time, when the customer was stopped. It was established that customer was the till operator’s relative and that they were in collusion.


Example process


Millions of raw till data points and hours of video footage is sent to the TARGET platform.


Millions of raw till data points and hours of video footage is sent to the TARGET platform.


TARGET detects, groups and filters the raw data allowing the hub operator to investigate risk areas within your business quickly and efficiently.


We offer full hub operator training, to ensure maximum effectiveness of protecting your business from risks such as fraud, collusion, theft and insufficient staff training.


Book a demo to see our software in action

A demo of TARGET, our industry-leading risk management software, provides a summary of the key features and functions it has to offer. Book a demo today to see how TARGET can help your business manage risk and protect its assets.

What you can expect from a demo with CCSG:

Walk-through of any of our software
A session tailored to your needs
Answers to any questions you might have
Book a demo